Top 10k strings from Alchemist News - Issue 24 (1997)(Alchemist Research).tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   1 string                                   To set the current file; load-pointer willbe set to the required position.                                                    Any combination of these 3  commands  setsthe path in the commands below  (or  couldbe  used  all  alone  as  well).  Example:@3$5@8$22$"fart"
   1 number                                   
   1 no of parts+1 (ie: 1-38+pt 0=39)
   1 cr&)+-0<2>
   1 ar>=<;:9876543210
   1 The Editor runs in 48K mode  when  enteredfrom  +3  BASIC,  so  that  the   commandsSPECTRUM and PLAY  are  neither  tokenisednor interpreted. Also,  disk  commands  inprograms will not work.                                                             The Editor supports  most  extended  BASICsoftware tools which  add  their  commandsvia  the  machine  stack  and   also   thecommands added to a 48K  spectrum  by  theInterface 1. The  errors  are  interceptednot via the  machine  stack  but  via  theinput routine.  This  leaves  the  machinestack  free   for   the   extended   BASICsoftware. The top  of  the  machine  stackusually points to the address of a routinefor interpreting  the  extended  commands;for ease of operation this should  alreadybe set when  the  Editor  is  entered  (inwhich case the Query Errors command shouldreveal the error address) so that all  theextended commands  are  accepted.  It  is,however, possible to set up  this  addresson  the  machine  stack  from  within  theeditor (provid
   1 Kulik  took  it  for  granted   that   thedestruction was caused by a  meteorite.  Abrave assumption,  for  few  people  wouldbelieve that  a  space  object  could  andwould hit the earth. Daniel Barringer  hadbought the gigantic 500ft deep  crater  inArizona, America,  specifically  to  provethat it was not volcanic, but the work  ofagiant meteor. It was this which led Kulikastray in Siberia, comparing the  two.  Hewrote:                                                                              "The  area  is  strewn  with   dozens   ofpeculiar flat joles varying  from  severalmetres to ten of metres across and severalmetres also in depth. The sides  of  theseholes are unusually  steep  although  flatsides are also encountered; their base  isflat, mossy marshy,  and  with  occasionaltraces of a raised area in the centre."                                             The expeditions  stocks  were  now  runnigout, so there was no time  to  investigatefurther, and they made their way  back  toVanavara.  On 
   1 In  the  leather  chair,  sitting   rathercomfortably, was an inmate, they had  justsurgically fitted a computer socket to theback of her head,  to  enable  her  to  bephysically connected to the computer.  Thecomputer was just booting up  directly  tothe computer  prompt.  The  'master'  wentover to the keyboard and  typed  somethingin, I could just see  the  result  on  thescreen                                                                              -------------------------------------------Windows (DOS) 2125                      --Microsoft-Apple-Sinclair Ltd. 
   1 File too long                             Not possible to load/create  a  file  thislong.                                                                               Disk full                                 File requires more space than available onthe current disk.                                                                   Disk not ready                            No disk in drive detected or some sort  ofdisk error.                                                                         Unknown disk                              When operating a drive, the  drive  numberspecified does not exist.                                                           Directory too long                        Attempt to access more than 65279 files ina directory.                                                                        Directory full                            Attempt to add  new  file  into  the  fulldirectory.                                                                          Data integrity
   1 Case   {Mixed|Upper}    {Ignore|Respect}:-(Either  of  the  two  paramters  may   beomitted). Mixed vs. Upper controls whetherinput  lines  are  translated  into  uppercase,  and  Ignore  vs.  Respect  controlswhether the Locate command  respects  caseduring comparison. CASE M I is the initialsetting.                                                                            Varblank ON|OFF:- The initial  setting  isON, in  which  every  Locate  command  maymatch a varying number of  blanks  in  thefile with one blank in the  search  string(so "that is" will match  "that  is").  IfVarblank is OFF then  spaces  are  treatedlike any other character.                                                           Format    {width}    {Nojustify|Justify}:-(either  of  the  two  parameters  may  beomitted) This controls the  formatting  oftext by the Power and REform commands. Thefirst parameter is  a  number  giving  themaximum characte- rs on a  line,  and  thesecond parameter indicates whether or  notjustification 
   1 BDDB@B@=;8;68
   1 AN24.D    
   1 AN24.C    
   1 AN24.9    
   1 AN24.8    
   1 AN24.7    
   1 AN24.6    
   1 AN24.5    
   1 AN24.43   
   1 AN24.42   
   1 AN24.41   
   1 AN24.40   
   1 AN24.4    I
   1 AN24.39   
   1 AN24.38   
   1 AN24.37   
   1 AN24.36   
   1 AN24.35   }'
   1 AN24.34   
   1 AN24.33   
   1 AN24.32   
   1 AN24.31   e-
   1 AN24.30   
   1 AN24.3    Q
   1 AN24.29   
   1 AN24.28   F
   1 AN24.27   
   1 AN24.26   
   1 AN24.25   m
   1 AN24.24   u)
   1 AN24.23   
   1 AN24.22   
   1 AN24.21   
   1 AN24.20   m
   1 AN24.2    
   1 AN24.19   Y
   1 AN24.18   
   1 AN24.17   
   1 AN24.16   Y
   1 AN24.15   
   1 AN24.14   
   1 AN24.13   Y1
   1 AN24.12   
   1 AN24.11   
   1 AN24.10   u)
   1 AN24.1    
   1 AN24.0    
   1 @D                                                          INDEX (1/3)                                                         AN24.0 : INDEX & EDITORIAL.                                                         AN24.1 : NEWS. Latest  happenings  in  theAN24.2 : Spectrum & emulator world.                                                 AN24.3 : SPECTRUM  EMAIL  AND  MORE.   Get         connected to the world with  this         great electronic service.                                                  AN24.4 : THE 2nd NSS SHOW. Not as great as         the first, but still a good show.                                          AN24.5 : BLOCKER   720.   Lloyd    Garland         reviews this useful +3 disk tool.                                          AN24.6 : CLASSIC FREEWARE. Part 2 - games.                                          AN24.7 : SPECTRUM  GAME  QUIZ.  With  Paul         'Holness' Howard.                                                          AN24.8 : TAMING THE MOUSE.  Useful  advice         for
   1 ?hr3334466
   1 = (PF6):- This repeats  the  last  commandissued from the command line.                                                       BAck (PF7):- This scrolls back a page.  Assome file lines may occupy more  than  onescreen  line  it  is  necessary  for   theprogram to estimate how far back to go, sothis  command  will  not  always  go  backexactly one page.                                                                   Forward (PF8):- This scrolls  forward  onepage.                                                                               ?  (PF10):-  This   retrieves   the   lastcommand. For more information see  CommandHistory.                                                                            SPltjoin (PF11 or PF1):- If the cursor  isin the middle of a line, then the line  issplit - the portion of that line under andto the right of the cursor is moved into anew line immediately below. If the  cursoris to  the  right  of  a  line,  then  thefollowing line is joined on at the cursor.              
   1 ;"        LOADING PART ";CNT;"         "
   1 5cr><97520-
   1 5) Make all other  usual  connections,  ifany (TV, tape recorder, mouse etc.).                                                6) Check that all connections are  correctand made firmly.                                                                    7) Turn the power on.                                                               8) Check if the  original  disk  is  writeprotected. On the start-up animation, bootthe BS-DOS by inserting the original  diskinto disk drive number 1.                                                           9) If the system does not  boot  up,  turnthe power off and check  all  connections;due to floppy disk drive construction,  itmay be necessary to swap the cable in  thedrive upside down. Continue at point 6).                                                                                                 *** MB-02+ system ***                                                    Disk system MB-02+ consists  of  2  parts:BS-DOS itself and corrected  and  improvedROM  (called  
   1 30 The Rowans                             WETHERBY                                  West Yorks                                LS22 5EB                                                                                                                                    8BIT CLOSEDOWN?                                                       As one magazine continues, another  folds.In issue 17 Brian Watson, editor of  8BIT,states that issue 25  will  be  the  last,stating that he would like the magazine to                                          "close with people  wanting  more,  ratherthan  risk  going   stale   and   becomingboring".                                                                            As 8BIT is a quarterly magazine, issue  25should appear  around  mid-1999.  Quite  along time away where anything could happenin-between.    8BIT    has    been     THEmulti-formats magazine  of  the  90's  andwill be sorely missed by it's thousands ofreaders, and I certainly hope that  nobodytries  to  cas
   1 2127.    --                                        --C:/> format b:                          --                                        --Warning!.  Formatting non-removable     --storage medium, do you wish to proceed? --(Y/N) y_                                --                                        --Formatting complete.  Enter volume label--name brain_                             --                                        --Label for drive is BRAIN                -------------------------------------------                                          This   was   why   it   was    known    as're-formatting', they connected you up  toa computer, and literally reformatted yourbrain, in fact it was  rumored  that  thiswas going to be the next jump in  computertechnology.                                                                                                                                                             Ever since  scientists  cloned  Dolly  thesheep,  the  computer  industry  had  beenpush
   1 1997 A.Davis & Alch. Research
   1 00000000`00
   1 .MOVE <path> number;data                  To move files specified by "data" into thedirectory "number". Note: by moving a filewithin the current directory will put  thefile to the end of that directory.                                                  .PRESS <path>                             To  press,  "shake   down"   the   currentdirectory.                                                                          .KILL <path>                              To erase internal CACHE memory. The use ofthis command is not necessary because  DOSmanages  all   operations   within   CACHEautomatically.                                                                      .SEARCH <!> <path> <local> <string>       To start a search for a required string ona disk. Names of all directories (only  10characters) and of all existing files  arescanned. "!" instructs DOS  to  scan  alsothrough erased files and  empty  directoryitems.  Search  starts  at   the   currentdirectory, continues  through  255  and  0till it reache
   1 "stinks"  means  that  ondisk  in  drive  3  will  be  set  currentdirectory 5, on disk in drive  8  will  beset current directory 22, then  the  first"fart" directory found after directory  22will be set, and the load-pointer will  beset to "stinks" file. Such sequence  couldbe ended by ";" if it is required  by  thecommand's syntax.                                                                                                                        *** Disk commands ***                                                    .FORMAT <path>                            To erase all files and directories on  thedisk. It possible to unformat  disk  using.UNERASE (in case SAVE  is  not  performedafter .FORMAT).                                                                     .ERASE <path> data                        To erase files. It is possible to  unerasefiles (if SAVE does not write them over inthe meantime).  Erasing  the  file  number0erases the entire current directory.                                    
   1 "parameter).  All  these  commands  performoperations in the current directory or  inthe directory specified by the path (whichbecomes current afterwards). SAVE  commandalways saves the file at the  end  of  thedirectory.  Characters  "!"  and  "*"  areignored; they were impemented in order  toaccept  commands  that   were   originallycreated in BASIC 128  (LOAD  !)  or  underD40/D80  disk  system  (LOAD  *).   VERIFYcommand  works   as   expected;   if   anydifferences are found during verification,a message  specifying  a  difference  areawill appear.                                                                        NEW <path> <local> parameter              This command loads  and  executes  a  filespecified by a parameter. If parameter  isnumeric, executable file  (see  below)  inthe current directory will be  loaded  andexecuted. If parameter is string,  a  filename that corresponds to the  string  willbe searched in the current  directory.  Ifno match is found, system  will  look  forspecified fil
   1 "Enter Part:";cnt:
   1  LOAD PART 
   1                       JUNE 1997        
   1                                       Gives a load-pointer position.                                                      FN #                                      Gives the number of files in the current  directory.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  FN %                                      Gives the number of empty sectors on the  current disk.                                                                       FN * Gives a  32  characters  long  stringspecifying  current   load-pointer   item.Example: FN *(7 TO 16)  signifies  currentfile name FN *(6 TO 22) signifies  currentfile header (as on tape)                                                            If  the  load-pointer  is  not  positionedwithin the files of the current directory,empty string will  be  given  instead.  Ifload-pointer   >= 
   1                                       A  special  function  that  results  in  astring that includes  memory  range  0  to65535.                                                                                          *** BS-ROM 118 ***                                                      BS-ROM 118 is the well-known ZX-ROM 48  onwhich  the  following  modifications  havebeen performed:                                                                     *new commands                                                                       *extended syntax of existing commands                                                                                                                                                                                                                       *search for tape lead-in tone is shorter 4times                                                                               *program pointer has been changed  ">"  to"*"                                                         
   1                                          Resets  all  system  variables  except  ofPROG, VARS and ELINE (see B-command in NMImenu).                                                                              ^                                         128K memory reset (see  E-command  in  NMImenu).                                                                              ?                                         Displays an information regarding  programlength, variables length and empty  memoryspace assigned for BASIC available.                                                 *                                         Reads headers from the tape  and  displaysthe following  information  together  witheach  header:  file   type,   file   name,address, length                                                                     _ (underline)                             The same as USR 102 - executes NMI menu.                                                                                      #              
   1                                           __________________________________________                                                        COMMS SOFTWARE              __________________________________________                                          Despite never  having  a  dedicated  modemfaster than 1200 baud, the Spectrum  is  avery  versatile  tool  when  it  comes  tocommunications. There's been  no  shortageof machines or hardware add-ons with RS232capability  and  their  cheap  price   andowners with more than one machine have ledto lots of articles and programs  relatingto communications entering the  scene.  Inthe  80's,  the   PRESTEL   and   MICRONETrevolution  brought  electronic  mail  andinformation systems to the  Spectrum,  andare  still  available  today,  thanks   toSILICON VILLAGE and many  bulletin  boardsstill offering access  with  the  old  VTXmodem.                                                                                                                        1) FIREVIEW 2 
   1                                           Received: from   by fmgateb.PhoneLink.COM id aa02043;                13 May 97 21:29 BST             Received: by     (8.6.10/5.950515)                         id QAA19327; Tue, 13 May 1997             16:29:47 -0400 Date: Tue, 13 May 1997     16:29:36 -0400 From: Ray Smith            <[email protected]> Subject: Emailon the Spectrum To: Andy Davis            <[email protected]> Message-ID:        <[email protected]                                                                                                 Spectrum  E-Mail                                                       Right you lot , Hands up if  you  rememberthe article on spectrum e-mail  by  RobertPurchase   in   alchnews    19    ,    1,2,3,4,.....2021,2022 ok that enough,  quitealot of you it  seems  (assuming  Alchnewshas that  many  readers  <  eds  indignantcomment about  how  many  readers  he  hasinserted here 
   1                                             *** An overview of corrected errors ***                                           *NMI routine replaced by NMI menu                                                   *PRINT AT 0,0;CHR$ 8; - this command movedPRINT cursor to error position (AT -1,31);corrected                                                                           *if an error message is to be printed  andinterrupt is disabled (DI),  system  haltsitself (corrected)                                                                  *ZX-ROM  48  used  to   overwrite   itself(addressed 0-4); BS-ROM 118 was  correctedso that it can even run under write enablemode                                                                                *suppose that last program line is  N,  ifyou entered  in  an  empty  N+1  line  andpressed EDIT  right  away,  you  would  beediting  N  line  together  with   programpointer; corrected                                                                  After reset or
   1                                                An Amusing Story.....and why not?                                                      Submitted by Captain Kevlar                  [email protected]                                                                                              The story behind this:  There's  this  nutwho digs things  out  his  back  yard  andsends  the   stuff   he   finds   to   theSmithsonian Institute, labelling them withscientific names, insisting that they  areactual  archeological  finds.  The  reallyweird thing about these  letters  is  thatthis guy really exists and  does  this  inhis spare time! Anyway... here's a  letterfrom the Smithsonian  Institute  after  hesent them a Barbie doll head.                                                       Paleoanthropology Division                Smithsonian Institute                     207 Pennsylvania Avenue                   Washington, DC 20078                                                                Dear Sir:     
   1                                                 TAMING THE KEMPSTON/DATEL MOUSE                Bernadette Downsland                                                     So you've got  a  kempston  mouse.  Soundsgreat but just how useful is it.                                                    I bought mine  years  ago  and  was  sadlydissapointed with it,  it's  only  in  thelast  2   years   and   ultimately   sinceChristmas this year that I  finally  tamedit.                                                                                 There's not an awful lot of  software  forit but with a  little  knowledge  you  canadapt one or two of your own programs  forit.                                                                                 The programs that I am aware of are Artist2 and  Advanced  Art  Studio  (these  alsocater for the AMX which I also have).                                               Then there is Music Writer, The Writer andIcon Grafix (the  later  128  version)  inaddition there
   1                                                 RECONSTRUCTING TEXT FILES FROM                  EMULATOR TAP FILES                                                      We at AlchNews sometimes send out articlesfrom future issues to other groups for usein their magazines, or  to  an  interestedreader. We usually send them  out  as  TAPfiles, as the  articles  are  composed  oredited  on  Tasword  128  under  the   Z80emulator.                                                                           But, if you don't have  Tasword  128,  andmany don't, it can be rather difficult  toread the files.                                                                     However, with the aid  of  a  simple  textreformatting   utility   for   DOS    (anyversion), re-constructing these  files  tostandard  PC  ASCII  text  files  is  verysimple.  All  that   you   need   is   thereformatting utility (which you can get bysending a blank disk and SAE to  AlchemistResearch, or it can be  encoded  and  sentvia email), an
   1                                                  The Great Siberian Explosion                                                 The world  certainly  had  no  excuse  forignoring perhaps  the  greatest  and  mostmysterious explosion that has  ever  takenplace on Earth. In London,  on  June  30th1908 it was possible  to  read  The  Timesnewspaper at Midnight. In Stockholm, clearscenic  photographs  were  taken  in   themiddle of what should have been night.  InHeidelberg, Germany, bright shining cloudswere visible until morning and in  Hollandit was impossible to study the  night  skyfor it was too light.                                                               Scientific instruments  across  the  globealso recorded  the  event.  Half  a  dozentraces in England recorded one  shockwave,then a  second,  and  were  even  felt  inAmerica. In Russia, which was close to theevent, the  bright  light  continued  wellinto July and a photo was takn of the                                               centre  of  th
   1                                                  New Clipart hits the Spectrum                    'bout time too!                             <ARRGH! Ed>                                                                                                   Most of you  will  now  be  aware  of  thelatest   arrivals   here   at    AlchemistSoftware.                                                                           Loads of new Clipart - most  of  it  neverseen before on the spectrum  has  arrived.The source? The Alchemist  Software  Amigalibrary!                                                                            Andy sent Trevor a small program  for  thePC from his new Emulator Tools  collectiona  while  ago  with  the  challenge  "testthat".  Test  it  we  did,  and  were   soimpressed  with  what  it  could  do,   wecarried on "testing" it.                                                            First thing we did was to load in loads ofclip art images  on  the  Amiga,  re-scalethem to fit on
   1                                                  HOW TO FIX A DUFF 48k SPECCY!                     Lloyd Garland                                                        Yeah, I suppose it  just  had  to  featureeventually didn't it! We've  had  circuitsfor amplifiers, monitor adaptors,  RS  232plug wiring and don't forget  andy's  "Heyyou" project.                                                                       Anyway, on with the show:                                                           How many of you out there have a duff  48Kmachine  hanging  about  in  the  cupboarddoing nothing because you can't  work  outhow to fix it? Must be somebody!                                                    Well, so long as you have the proper toolsand a selection of  spare  bits  it  isn'tdifficult - well, not if you write off  toBernadette Dowsland and ask  her  for  herlittle 48K tech manual anyway - so long asyou send her 2 `1  coins  and  ask  nicelyas well that is.                                        
   1                                                   ZX-RAINBOW V 1.0 c 1996 by           OmikroN Software & Andreas Schraepel                                                            Introduction                                                         If You're also a  great  fan  of  Sinclaircomputers and the Spectrum  emulators  forPC, like us, You're right here! There  arelots  of   games,   commercial   programs,graphic  designers  and  much  more  (fun-software, artwork  etc.)  for  ZX-Spectrumemulators You can  find  in  Internet  andother computer nets. Take a  look  of  thelittle world around Sir  Clive  Sinclair's3rd home computer!                                                                  In the meantime  the  ZX-Spectrum  is  themost-emulated home computer of the  world,although it was not been manufactured  foryears. Now it outlives in emulators, whichwere optimized more and more, so with someof the emulators You have the  feeling  towork with  an  original  ZX-Spectrum.  Theexact  number 
   1                                                   The 2nd NSS SHOW, Wetherby.               Saturday 22nd February 1997                                                 And once again, another meeting of  Speccynuts  anonymous.  I'd  spoken   to   AllanClarkson earlier in the week and he seemedworried that nobody would  be  bringing  aSpectrum. The FORMAT fairs are reputed  tobe SAM only and I was afraid that NSS weredestined to be the same.  However,  I  hadone surprise for the show.                                                          Not having a stall (I wasn't given  enoughnotice about the show and didn't  want  tomess  around  with  equipment  and  didn'tthink the turnout would be very  high.)  Iturned up around 11am. After paying (whichwas a crime as I should have got in free -what with being the star guest!)  I  foundthat Spectrum Support  was  virtually  nonexistent.                                                                           Luckily, John  Garner,  AKA  Datasoft  hadturned up and 
   1                                                   GARGOYLE GAMES INSTRUCTIONS                                                 Reprinted from AN23 to accompany the gamessupplied with this issue.                                                                         SWEEVO'S WORLD                                                        Can our Hero overcome the  absurd  dangersthat face him and reach Active Status? Themain   task   would   seem   to   be   theextermination of  an  organism  originallydesigned to look after the Folly and  keepit clean - the Waste Ingestion and JanitorUnits are not  really  dangerous  but  areextremely irritating. On the  other  hand,the creatures built to guard the place arevery dangerous and will  attack  at  everyopportunity.                                                                        Sweevo's energy level can be judged by theexpression on the face of the large  dial.The Selector Pulse shows the  position  tobe occupied if an  object  is  picked  up.Scoring  is  v
   1                                                   Brian Gaff - B.G. SERVICES                                                  NOTE:-  B  G   Services   as   a   companyofficially ceased trading on 6/10/95.  Theintention is to carry on supporting Z80 byG A Lunter and the  tape  interface  underthe B G Services name, but the other itemslisted here are supplied only while stockslast.                                                                               VTX5000 modem for all 48K  and  grey  +2s.+3/+2A needs FIXIT, see below): `8.50                                               PDTAPE 1 supply  own  tape  (Needs  20min)copy cost: `1.00                                                                    OCP MASTER TOOLKIT (48k): `5.00                                                     FIXIT device to allow add-ons made for the48K Spectrum to be at  tached  to  +3  and+2A. 2 port version: `6.50                                                          Cable for 128K or QL RS232 to  printer  ormodem: `6.50  
   1                                                    CLASSIC SOFTWARE: PART 2                                                   __________________________________________                                                             GAMES                  __________________________________________                                          The  quality  of  games  featured  in   PDlibraries   was   never   of    commericalstandard, until Alchemist Research was thefirst  group  to  obtain   permission   tore-distribute  ex-commerical  titles  fromleading companies. Starting with around 30titles from GREMLING GRAPHICS,  there  arenow well over 200 high quality  commercialtitles in distribution by  only  the  verybest   software   libraries   in   Europe.Surprisingly,  one  service  still  offersgames almost ten years old, with little orno   ex-commercial   titles    whatsoever!Needless to say,  they  are  no  longer  amajor  player  in  the  Spectrum  softwarescene.                                                  
   1                                                     Simon Owen's Multimania                                                                                             19                  33849,0   time                            33538,0;                                  33539,195 ammo                                                  1942                47007,255 lives                                                 3DC                 34298,201 immunity                        34036,0   jumps                           26955,0   oxygen                                                720 Degrees         40774,0 lives                             40360,0 infy cash                         37357,0 tickets                                                 Abu Simbel          47684,0 lives                                                   Academy             31378,255;                                31386,255 no weight                       32924,33 any level                        50584,201 shields                   
   1                                                      SPECTRUM GAMES TRIVIA                    ***********************                                                                 By Paul Howard.                                                       Yep, it's  another  quiz  to  tickle  yourfact-buds (?). I  have  tried  to  includequestions  ranging  from  the  very  firstgames  to  the  very  latest,  so  if  youspecialise in one  area  you  should  findsome  of  them  tricky!  I  seem  to  haveexhausted  my  usual   supply   of   wittyrepartee, so without further ado here  arethe questions...                                                                    PS. The answers are at  the  end,  so  jotdown what you think first so that you  canwork out your score at the end.                                                     1. How many Joe Blade games were made?                                              2. A full version of Prince of Persia  wasrecently found  for  the  Spectrum  -  butwhich company 
   1                                                      One weekend with a +3                          Kevin Gurd                                                          The other weekend i bought a  +3  from  mylocal  car-boot.  Of   course   the   onlydrawback with buying from  a  car-boot  isthat you can 't get to test it,  and  sureenough it was knackered. Four  pounds  wasnot a lot I suppose and it did  come  withquite a few +3 titles. Once home  a  quickcheck with my meter showed  that  the  PSUwas duff. I  didn't  have  a  spare  so  Isubstituted it with one from  a  very  oldSirius.  It  still  refused  to  fire  up.However I did manage to get a black screenwith a coloured  border?  By  now  it  wasstarting to  become  clear.  The  previousowner  had  probably   shorted   out   theExpansion  Bus   or   something   similar.Blowing up the PSU and  shorting  out  theRam chips at the same time. <The  previoususer probably connected an  old  piece  ofhardware to the back. The +3 I/O  port  isdrastically di
   1                                                       Full Screen Editor                                                      This editor is a simulation of some of thefeatures  of  the  VM/SP   system   editor"XEDIT", with some changes.                                                                       Initialisation                                                        The  Full  Screen  Editor  code  is  fullyrelocatable. Load it in  at  any  address,and then call it at that address using thePRINT USR command.  When  the  editor  hasstarted up, enter the command "new" on thecommand line before starting to edit.                                                            3270 Architecture                                                      Keyboard input  simulates  fairly  closelythe IBM 3270 structure, in that                                                     1.  there  are  'protected'   fields   and'input' fields; the cursor may be anywhereon the screen, but typing is only  allowedin input field
   1                                                       BLOCKER 720 REVIEW                     By me, Da Demon Hacker!                                                    Hello all you AlchNews readers, here I  amback again <oh no - ED> with  yet  anotherreview of a great bit of new +3 software.                                           What does it do?                                                                    Blocker 720 scans a disk for  bad  sectorsand locks out any that it  finds.  All  ofyou people out there who have B: drives onyour +3 must at one time have formatted  afresh disk, only to be let down later whenDOS throws an error  at  you  -  all  thatloverly data gone forever! Graham  Collierwrote this, and what a job  he's  done  ofit.                                                                                 How does it work?                                                                   Blocker 720 works by accessing each  trackone after another and locking out those itfinds suspect.
   1                                                       BACK TO BASICS No.2                           by Ken Beer                                                                                                   Before  I  start  on  something  new,   itoccurred to me that there  might  be  someSpeccy owners who have not got a  copy  ofthe SPECTRUM  manual.  Perhaps  some  folkmight want me to  elaborate  a  little  onsome of the points already mentioned.                                               Like  previous  writers  I  will  however,assume that you are familiar with the  useof the keyboard itself.                                                             The SPECTRUM screen has 24 lines, each  of32 characters but only the  top  22  linesare used for LISTing  or  program  output.The bottom two lines are  used  for  errorreports, INPUT data etc.                                                            When all of the top 22 lines are displayeda SCROLL?  message  is  displayed  at  thebottom of the 
   1                                                        Z88 Laptop Review.                                                     At the NSS show I picked up my Z88 laptop.I'd  been  after  something  portable  forquite a while and Bill Richardson had beenpersuading me to get a Z88 for somw  time.I had my  sights  set  on  an  actual  PC,something like a 386, just enough  to  runWindows and the Z80 on  at  100%PC%.  But,prices are very expensive,  even  for  oldequipment, so I plumped for  the  Z88.  Ithas no MS-DOS, no disk system and  a  tinyLCD screen, but it is a fine alternative.                                           The machine was released  in  1987,  at  atime  when  Sinclair  had  sold   out   toAmstrad.  Amstrad  thought  they  had  therights to the machine, but found out  theyhadn't when they  took  a  close  look  attheir   contract.   They   responded    byreleasing  the  Amstrad  Notepad  ComputerNC-100 as a rival a  year  or  two  later.They are  very  much  the  same,  but  theNC-100   has  
   1                                                        THE FREDDY DRIVE                        An Interview with the                    inventor - Roy Everett.                                                   The FREDDY drive is a universal disk drivethat attaches  to  most  8-bit  computers,including  some  laptops,  but   primarilyaimed  at   the   Amstrad   and   Spectrummachines. Here, Roy and his partner  Nigelexplain how it all comes about:                                                     WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO FINANCE  THE  FREDDYDRIVE?                                                                              Easy - the CPC without a 3.5" and discs islike Laurel without Hardy. SIREN  gave  upon the CPC  and  Nigel  haad  been  makingdrives.  These  were  in   plastic   videocasesand I knew a firm that would make  upmetal cases, their sales rep had  gone  tomy old school.                                                                      I lent him a 3.5" drive  with  a  note  ofwhat I wanted.
   1                                                        LINKING Z88 - PC                                                       If you own a Z88, then you  will  need  toconnect it to another machine, no questionabout it. Either for simple file transfer,or to archiving files  and  programs,  thefact that the Z88 has no 'regular' storagemeans that you will want to back  up  yourinformation to disk.                                                                                                                           HARDWARE                                                           The   lead   that   you   need   is   verynon-standard (anyone would  think  Amstradhad a hand in designing it!). You need a 9pin male  D-type  plug  to  whatever  yourother machine has. This could be another 9way D plug, a 25 way one or even the 6 wayIDC plug of the +2 and +3. Bill Richardsonof EEC supplies leads  for  all  machines,but if you are handy with a soldering ironand are familliar with the plugs then  youcould save a f
   1                                                         PAUL'S RANTINGS                          *****************                                                                    By Paul Howard.                                                                                                 Well, here  I  sit,  typing  away  on  theclicky keyboard of the PC while  emulatingTasword  at  300%.  Quite  an   experiencereally! I won't review  the  Z80  emulatorbecause everybody else already  has;  I'lljust  say  that  it  is  DEFINITELY  worthgetting if you have a decent PC  and  liketo play about with Spectrums.                                                       You  lucky  readers,  I  have  three  goodtopics about which to rant this time: discshortages, retro gaming and  the  sinisterChannel 5.  Let's  start  with  the  firstone...                                                                              It had to happen one day,  we  just  neverthought it would be so soon. I buy my 3.5"discs from WH 
   1                                                          TRADING POST                             **************                                                        Please enclose a SAE with your enquiry  toall services. If purchasing from a privateindividual, make confirmation the  articleis still for sale and try not to send cashunless a premium delivery service is used.                                                                                    SERVICES REMOVED:                                                                   Fountain PD - Closed down.                Galaxy / Hammer / EBA - No service.       Romantic Robot - No Spectrum hardware left                                          If your group isn't listed, please get  intouch and we'll add your details.                                                                    * * * * *                                                          ADVENTURE WORKSHOP                        36 Grasmere Road                          OLDHAM OL2 6SR
   1                                                          ** MB-02+ ***                        Original documentation                     8BitCompany 1994-1997                                                                    8BitCompany                    Interactive Entertainment Studios                                                               presents                                                                             MB-02+                          Revolutionary Step Forward                                                                                                                                                 *** Introduction ***                                                     Dear Spectrum-addicted friend,                                                      Welcome  to  the  world   of   a   perfectcombination of your  computer  and  a  newdisk  system.  This  invention  lifts  thepossibilities of your Speccy  as  high  aspossible.    This    is    the    originaldocumentation 
   1                                                           Partners                               by Marie Miller                                                           (all comments CC:[email protected])                                               8:15 AM                                                                             Dana  Scully  walked  out   of   AssistantDirector Skinner's office. He's really notsuch a bad guy, she  thought  to  herself.He'd told her that because of  her  recentordeal, he thought she  should  only  workhalf days for a few weeks. He also  statedthat she wouldn't have to go back  to  thepressures of teaching if she  didn't  wantto; he would reassign her to pathology  ifshe would feel more  relaxed  there.  Danawas glad he'd  offered  the  reassignment,she hadn't  realised  how  irritating  andunintelligent  those  kids  seemed   untilshe'd been moved back after  the  X  fileshad been closed.                                                                    But now  the  
   1                                                           CRACK CITY                               Desmond Tyler                                                        March and April have certainly  been  busytimes in astronomical  circles.  First  wehad the Hale Bopp comet. May I just stressthat it's HALE as in hail, and not  HALLEYas many have been calling it.  I  seem  torecall a certain comedy double  act  on  aSunday evening, but  they  weren't  calledHalley and Pace!                                                                    Anyway, the comet was  spectacular  and  Ihope that all of you managed to get a goodview of it.                                                                         We've also had the results of PROJECT BLUEBOOK, the 20 odd year study by the US  AirForce   about   UFOs   and    they    havecategoricaly said that UFOs do not  exist.Sure, and Area 51  is  a  theme  park  andRoswell  is  where   a   weather   ballooncrashed.                                                
   1                                                            UNTITLED                                By Roy Benson                                                                                                  Two  faces  peered  down,  a  man  and   awoman's, he recognized them as his parents                                          'coochie coo,  coochie  coo!'  they  said,amazing to think he could see this.                                                 How he had let them down                                                            There I am on my tricycle, it took ages tolearn how to ride it, almost as painful astrying to ride that two wheeled bike  withthe white tyres, when I was older.                                                  The sun was  shining,  and  there  was  mylittle sister, when she was cute  and  notsuch a pain in the arse. She's  wearing  afloral hat to protect her little head.                                              There was the old junior  school.  I  wentthere, for rea
   1                                                            CREDITS                                                            Greatful appreciation must go out  to  allwho helped in the production of this  finepublication. Notable thanks must go to:                                                                                       Editor:               Andy Davis Bsc      Sub-Editor:           Desmond Tyler       Sam compiler:         Ferry Groothedde                                                                                        Original Programming: Dominic Morris      Later Programming:    Andy Davis                                United Minds                              Paul Howard                               Miles Kinloch                                                                                           128K Music:           Agent-X                                   Chris Taylor                              United Minds                              Dave Fountain                     
   1                                                              Z80em                               Acorn Archimedes                          Spectrum Emulator                                                                Reviewed by Peter Scott                                                   In the past  Acorn  and  Sinclair  haven'talways seen eye to eye <there were reportsof Sinclair's Sir Clive and Acorn's  ChrisCurray involved in a punch up at a pub onelunch time. Ed.>, but this is  an  exampleof them working in harmony <what about theZ88 with BBC basic? Ed.>                                                            Z80Em  for  the  Acorn  32  bit  range  ofcomputers emulates a 48k or 128k  Spectrumwith full sound support and runs at  exactspeed on any Acorn, although there  is  anoption to increase the speed if you  wish.My  hunble  Acorn  A3010  with  a   ARM250processor  only  does  around  6MIPS,  andbecause of this the fstest it will run  isabout 150% speed, but a  200Mhz  StrongArmwhich runs at 
   1                                                              NEWS                           Happenings in the Community                                                                                                     ALCHEMIST BACK ON-LINE                                                    Most of you will have  got  a  brief  notewith your last copy of AlchNews  about  ushaving an Email address again. At the  endof February we received  software  from  anew company called FREEMAIL, an electronicmail service provider. The bonus  of  thisservice  is  that  it  is  entirely  free.There's no  on-line  charges,  no  monthlyfees and access to the  system  is  by  an0800  number.  To  to  it  all  off,   thesoftware is supplied for  free.  All  thatyou need in a  PC  with  Windows95  and  amodem.                                                                              After purchasing a 9600bps fax  modem  for`10 we were back on-line  within  minutes.The Alchemist Research  mailbox  now  getsdozens of mail